
Final Shots

So these are literally my final shots taken in South Africa for my blog. In fact Smi here is the reason why I wanna get back into the whole blogging thing. Check out his blog http://okmalume.blogspot.com. It's just as cool and interesting as the way he dresses!

I am such a colour whore so Fifi la Funk's outfit here is really appealing to me. Gimme brights any day!


So yes, I have been on a bit of a sabbatical. After four months of snapping people on the Jozi front, I kinda became despondent about the blog (my own personal issues) and just went cold turkey. I then became busy with preparing for school etc. Well, now that I am in London town I have decided to give the blogging thing a try again. Okay, so fine the blog is gonna take on a new tone and direction, since I can’t capture Jozi streets anymore. So at the moment, I’m up, can’t sleep, thinking of a way to switch up my blog and sort of keep the same idea? Does that make sense? Yeah, so watch this space for some fun, new and interesting things. Oooh and exciting news, I have a new camera that actually works, so no more drunken photos!

Signing off and leaving you with some of the last bit of footage I look in South Africa and didn’t bother posting because of my despondency…

This was one of those sweatshirts done by addidas/puma (I can't remember who, was a few months ago), done for the Olympics.


Digging It!

I have spotted these two ladies before, but at the time I wanted to take a picture of them I didn't have my camera on me. At times it can be a blessing that Jozi is small since I spotted them again. They're dressed so simply here but I'm still digging their style.

Too Cute!

Second time appearance, and I'm sure you all understand why just by looking at this ensemble. Think I know who one of my next profiles is gonna be. She is too cute!



Okay, so those of you who know me really well, and know my sentiments on 'hip hop' clothing, are probably asking yourselves why, at this moment. Anyway, I enjoyed this look because at a party where quite a few of the young men are dressed in the same sort of way (you know, the whole Ice Cream, Billionaire Boys Club, baggy jeans, NY Caps, type look), this guy switches it up, and takes it back (on top of that, to one of my favourite eras). He pulls a sort of Run DMC in the ‘80s, by simply adding the felt hat and gold chain. Best of all he makes the look his own, by adding his own clothing label, the Amakip kip t- shirt. So to answer the question why, it’s because he made a rather prevalent ‘look’, look different, and he still preserved his identity. ‘Props’ to you guy!


Billy Joel

This guy is one of my favourite people because when I approached him to take the picture he was on some he never thought he would be on a fashion blog. But then the best part was him saying by rolling up his sleeves he was bringing back Billy Joel (if memory serves me correct). Too cool!

Proudly SA

I don't think I have to explain much here. The prints on these shirts are the ones just because of how South African they are.


The Clutch!

Like I said before, parties are hard. And you don't wanna completely displace people from their having just to take a picture for some unknown blog that you're doing for your own fun. In any case I tried with this young lady to capture her amongst the people. Maybe not the best idea, but you can still see her look. A sizzling look at that! Check out the huge clutch bag! WOW! One of my favourite looks, possibly. Okay, so maybe I have said this too many times this month. But you have to admit she's rocking it.

P.S. I took these last three posts at the Wordsworth performance on Saturday, at Roka. There were so many other people I wanted to capture but just didn't get the chance to. It was like I had found some hidden treasure. Hip hop heads can really express themselves through clothing, not just through words.

All Stars

You know, it's really hard to take pictures of people in parties, especially when they are packed. I was trying to get a full head - to - toe shot of these guys but there wasn't enough space for me to move back. In any case, I'm digging the guy on the left's cardigan, and the fact that he's buttoned it in such a way that you can see the print on his t - shirt (which by the by is a tres funky print). The leather cuff on his right arm is tight male accessory. Then his boy's blazer and 'I :-)(smiley face) Jzi' t-shirt is a simple but cool look. Their sneakers (I think they're both wearing all stars) are a definite yes in my books, especially as a finishing touch to their looks.


Too Legit

She caught my eye because of the harem pants. Actually wanted the picture of her alone but I guess it's a good thing because I like her man's Creative Rec sneakers. The wrap on her head is also quite cool.