

Okay, so those of you who know me really well, and know my sentiments on 'hip hop' clothing, are probably asking yourselves why, at this moment. Anyway, I enjoyed this look because at a party where quite a few of the young men are dressed in the same sort of way (you know, the whole Ice Cream, Billionaire Boys Club, baggy jeans, NY Caps, type look), this guy switches it up, and takes it back (on top of that, to one of my favourite eras). He pulls a sort of Run DMC in the ‘80s, by simply adding the felt hat and gold chain. Best of all he makes the look his own, by adding his own clothing label, the Amakip kip t- shirt. So to answer the question why, it’s because he made a rather prevalent ‘look’, look different, and he still preserved his identity. ‘Props’ to you guy!


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Anonymous said...

hi there
i stumbled upon your blog today and would love for you to come work with us. I work for a trend forecasting company called Instant Grass in Cape Town. Please go onto www. instatgrass.com and fill in the oline application make a note that you are the fashion blogger and i will make sure you get accepted and on out payroll. once the application is filled in and accepted we will send you a grassing 101 that explains what is expected from you. Grassing is easy and part time. it pretty much entails being an urban spy and letting us in on what is hip and happening in south Africa. my name is priscilla.

I really love this blog!!!!!