
Digging It!

I have spotted these two ladies before, but at the time I wanted to take a picture of them I didn't have my camera on me. At times it can be a blessing that Jozi is small since I spotted them again. They're dressed so simply here but I'm still digging their style.

Too Cute!

Second time appearance, and I'm sure you all understand why just by looking at this ensemble. Think I know who one of my next profiles is gonna be. She is too cute!



Okay, so those of you who know me really well, and know my sentiments on 'hip hop' clothing, are probably asking yourselves why, at this moment. Anyway, I enjoyed this look because at a party where quite a few of the young men are dressed in the same sort of way (you know, the whole Ice Cream, Billionaire Boys Club, baggy jeans, NY Caps, type look), this guy switches it up, and takes it back (on top of that, to one of my favourite eras). He pulls a sort of Run DMC in the ‘80s, by simply adding the felt hat and gold chain. Best of all he makes the look his own, by adding his own clothing label, the Amakip kip t- shirt. So to answer the question why, it’s because he made a rather prevalent ‘look’, look different, and he still preserved his identity. ‘Props’ to you guy!


Billy Joel

This guy is one of my favourite people because when I approached him to take the picture he was on some he never thought he would be on a fashion blog. But then the best part was him saying by rolling up his sleeves he was bringing back Billy Joel (if memory serves me correct). Too cool!

Proudly SA

I don't think I have to explain much here. The prints on these shirts are the ones just because of how South African they are.