
Final Shots

So these are literally my final shots taken in South Africa for my blog. In fact Smi here is the reason why I wanna get back into the whole blogging thing. Check out his blog http://okmalume.blogspot.com. It's just as cool and interesting as the way he dresses!

I am such a colour whore so Fifi la Funk's outfit here is really appealing to me. Gimme brights any day!


So yes, I have been on a bit of a sabbatical. After four months of snapping people on the Jozi front, I kinda became despondent about the blog (my own personal issues) and just went cold turkey. I then became busy with preparing for school etc. Well, now that I am in London town I have decided to give the blogging thing a try again. Okay, so fine the blog is gonna take on a new tone and direction, since I can’t capture Jozi streets anymore. So at the moment, I’m up, can’t sleep, thinking of a way to switch up my blog and sort of keep the same idea? Does that make sense? Yeah, so watch this space for some fun, new and interesting things. Oooh and exciting news, I have a new camera that actually works, so no more drunken photos!

Signing off and leaving you with some of the last bit of footage I look in South Africa and didn’t bother posting because of my despondency…

This was one of those sweatshirts done by addidas/puma (I can't remember who, was a few months ago), done for the Olympics.