
The Skinny on Guys

If memory serves me correct (which it rarely does) this guy is an artist (irrelevant, maybe, but think I'll find time, someday, to write an entry about the link between art and fashion). Any who, a friend of mine and I were having a discussion about guys who wear skinny jeans, while volunteering at the Jo'burg Art Fair, and everyday, while on the job, we would see this guy. We came to the conclusion that some guys know how to pull it off (I guess, like most things, some people know hot to rock it, some don't), and, as a result, we came to the verdict that this guy formed part of that 'some – guys – who – know – how – to – pull – it - off'. I missed a photo op on one of the days when I think he rocked the skinny pants the best: with a baby blue collared shirt (just as an aside, it wasn't tucked in). Yeah, but this look above will do to emphasise our point.


Laura said...

On Skinny jeans guys... just a note: that's ALL they wear in Sweden! Seriously, there are no baggy jeans or even 'normal' jeans guys there, it's all skinny jeans men. And they're all really tall and thin themselves which doesn't help. Some could pull it off, but few did- I wonder where it all started and why it's such a fad in Sweden- maybe it's spreading? The skininess of the girls' jeans was also quite remarkable, sometimes I though they were wearing tights!

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents on the skinny jean fetish. Maybe if there is a way to pull them off right (a la your dude at the show) then the info should be spread to Sweden asap!!!!

Unknown said...

nah...only white dudes with tattoos of 'shirley' on their necks can rock these without looking seriously androgynous

everyone else should just turn and look the other way.they're not good for fertility anyway.

breathing space.

true though - they have their people...

MK said...

hmm, i used to cringe at the sight of dudes in skinny jeans.but lately ive had a change of heart, i seen dudes(black/white) rockin them nicely.not too skinny, look like u wearing your sistas jeans,or its a second skin, but much skinnier than usual, worn with high tops, not too bad @ all.so i think they just have their ppl.